
of Robert Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG | Kunzmann Fulda GmbH & Co. KG

Correct and rule-compliant behavior has the highest priority for Robert Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG and Kunzmann Fulda GmbH & Co. KG. Our company's success is based on integrity and compliance with the rules. So that we can live up to this claim, it is important to find out about potential misconduct and to remedy it. Our whistleblower system offers the opportunity to report potential rule violations by employees.

We check every report and follow it up consistently. A fundamental pillar of the whistleblowing system is the principle of a fair trial. In addition, we guarantee the greatest possible protection for those giving the information, those affected and the employees involved in clearing up the information. Pressure on informants and all persons who contribute to promoting correct behavior at Kunzmann will not be tolerated. For those affected, the presumption of innocence applies until the violation is proven. The investigations are carried out in compliance with the highest level of confidentiality. The information is processed in a fair, fast and secure process.

So that your report can be processed and investigated appropriately by the data protection / compliance office, it is important that the report is as specific as possible.
It is helpful if you consider the five W-questions in your report:

Who? What? When? As? Where?

As a whistleblower, please ensure that your descriptions can also be understood by non-specialist persons. It is helpful to be available for further questions.

If you are ready to do so, but would still like to know that your anonymity vis-à-vis the company is preserved, use the email address Whistleblowing@Kunzmann.de or contact our data protection department (+49 6021 / 361-11214). The report can also be made informally and anonymously by post:

Confidential / Personal
Robert Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG
data protection
Auhofstrasse 29
63741 Aschaffenburg

In the event of violations in connection with data protection regulations, we ask you to contact the email address Datenschutz@Kunzmann.de.


Here you find our privacy protection of kunzmann.de. I agree, that by submitting this request, my contact details will be saved for getting in contact. I can revoke my consent at any time for the future by mail to datenschutz@kunzmann.de.
