Notes on Data Protection for Customers of the Robert Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG and Kunzmann Fulda GmbH & Co. KG Car Showroom
I. General Principles
We, Robert Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG and Kunzmann Fulda GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter: Kunzmann) welcome you to our site and are pleased that you are interested in our company and our products.
Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted by e-mail: datenschutz@kunzmann.de, by telephone: 06021/361 50 - 210 or by letter: Auhofstraße 29 63741 Aschaffenburg - Damm.
The following remarks on the treatment of your personal data within the online shop refer exclusively to Robert Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG, Auhofstraße 29, 63741 Aschaffenburg.
Protection of your personal privacy
The protection of your personal privacy is of major importance to us. Therefore it follows naturally that we comply with the provisions of data protection law and treat personal data in confidence.
Our data protection practice is governed by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and on a supplementary basis by the applicable German Federal Data Protection Act (new version).
Below you will find out which of your data we store, when and for what reason. We will also inform you about your rights and provide you with other legally required information. If you have given further consent - for example when using Mercedes-me - personal data can also be transmitted from the car dealership to Mercedes-Benz Group AG / Daimler Truck AG. The scope of the transfer of personal data depends on the consent you have given to Mercedes-Benz Group AG / Daimler Truck AG.
Scope of data collection, purposes of use and transfer of data
Personal data are used in the showroom at various points. As well as the provision of personal data when you purchase a vehicle, personal data are processed in particular in the context of service orders. As soon as data generated in the vehicle by various sensors (engine temperature, distance sensor, engine speed, etc.) are linked to the vehicle identification number, personal data are involved.
Other processing of data to comply with legal obligations
The data arising from the purchase of a vehicle or of parts and from the servicing of a vehicle are also used, where applicable, for the settlement of warranty claims or other customer complaints. In addition, these data are transferred to external auditors and/or tax consultants for audit and consultancy purposes. The data are stored in accordance with the legal duty to preserve records in accordance with §§ 146 et seq. German Tax Code and § 257 German Commercial Code and are erased when the duty to preserve records has expired.
Centralisation of data within Kunzmann
The car showroom transfers the master data (name, in the case of companies the contact person, address and contact data, such as telephone number and e-mail address, as well as vehicle data) to other Kunzmann car showroom sites, so that the master data can be uniformly managed and used within the corporate group. This also includes the transfer of updates of these personal data, of which we or another Group site become aware. These updates are similarly provided to the other Kunzmann sites. This simplifies our procedures and frees you from having to contact another Kunzmann site to provide the master data once more. An overview of the Kunzmann company sites is provided on: https://www.kunzmann.de/de/unternehmen/standorte/
II. Range of services
Use of services, purchase of vehicles / parts / accessories and cycles
In the following we explain to you to what extent we collect and process personal data when you use our services, purchase a vehicle or parts or order a new vehicle.
Ordering new vehicles
When ordering a new vehicle, the personal data required to execute the contract will be collected by the car dealership for the purpose of order processing and customer management. The personal data about the ordered vehicle required for the execution of the contract will be transmitted to Mercedes-Benz Group AG / Daimler Truck AG as the manufacturer of the vehicles for further execution of the contract.
On our website we use the external service of “e-mobilio” from e-mobilio GmbH, Rosenheimer Straße 145d in 81671 Munich. Personal data that you provide as part of this service on our website via the e-mobilio iFrame is subject to the sole responsibility of e-mobilio under data protection law. Only from the point at which e-mobilio forwards your message to us does e-mobilio's responsibility end and we act as the responsible party within the meaning of Section 4 No. 7 GDPR. You can find out more about e-mobilio's data protection at: https://e-mobilio.de/datenschutz
Purchase of a pre-owned vehicle or of parts / accessories and cycles
When you purchase a pre-owned vehicle or parts the showroom collects and processes the personal data relevant to the performance of the data [name, address, details of the vehicle purchased, product, part], so that the contract can be performed.
Creditworthiness check by Creditreform Boniversum GmbH
When we conclude a contract with you, as matter of routine this company checks your creditworthiness and in certain cases, in which there is a legitimate interest, we also check the creditworthiness of existing customers. For this purpose we work with Creditreform Boniversum GmbH, Hellersbergstraße 11, 41460 Neuss, from whom we obtain the required data. Pursuant to Article 14 GDPR and on behalf of Creditreform Boniversum we provide the following information to you in advance:
Creditreform Boniversum GmbH is a consumer credit agency. It operates a database, in which credit rating information on private persons is stored.
On this basis Creditreform Boniversum provides credit rating information to its customers. Its customers include, for example, banks, leasing companies, insurance companies, telecommunications companies, receivables management companies, shipping, wholesale and retail firms and other companies, which supply or deliver goods or services. Under the legal provisions a proportion of the data held in the information database is also used to supply other company databases, including for address trading purposes.
In particular data concerning the names, addresses, date of birth, where applicable e-mail addresses, payment behaviour and persons' shareholdings are stored in the Creditreform Boniversum database. The purpose of processing the stored data is to provide information on the credit rating of the person, about whom an enquiry has been made. The legal basis for the processing is Article 6 (1) point (f) GDPR. In accordance with this, information on these data may be provided only if a customer has demonstrated a legitimate interest in receiving this knowledge. If data are transferred to states outside the EU, this is done on the basis of what are known as standard contractual clauses, which you can consult via the following link:
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32001D0497&from=DE [https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32010D0087]
or you may have them sent to you from that website.
The data are stored for as long as knowledge of them is necessary for compliance with the purpose. As a rule the information is required for a storage period of three years in the first instance. On the expiry of this period, it is verified whether it is necessary to continue to store the data, otherwise the data are erased on a daily basis. When an issue has been settled, the data are erased on a daily basis three years after settlement of the issue. Entries in the list of debtors are erased on a daily basis after the expiry of three years from the date of registration pursuant to § 882e German Code of Civil Procedure.
Legitimate interests within the meaning of Article 6 (1) point f GDPR may be: lending decisions, initial business contacts, shareholdings, debts, creditworthiness checks, insurance contracts, information on writs of execution.
You have a right as regards Creditreform Boniversum GmbH to information on the data stored there concerning your person. If the data stored on you should be incorrect, you have a right to have them rectified or erased. If it cannot be immediately established whether the data are correct or incorrect, you have a right to have the data blocked until the matter is clarified. If your data are incomplete, you can demand that they be completed.
If you have given your consent to the processing of data stored by Creditreform Boniversum, you have the right at any time to withdraw this consent.
Withdrawing your consent does not affect the legality of the processing of the data up to the receipt of any such withdrawal of consent.
If you have objections, wishes or complaints concerning data protection, you may contact the Creditreform Boniversum Data Protection Officer at any time. He will assist you quickly and confidentially on all issues of data protection. You may also complain about the processing of the data by Boniversum to the regional Data Protection Officer for your Federal State.
The data, which Creditreform Boniversum has stored on you, originates from publicly accessible sources, from debt collection companies and from their customers.
In order to describe your credit rating Creditreform Boniversum creates a score value for your data. Data on age and sex, address data and sometimes payment experience data are included in the score value. These data are differently weighted within the score value. Creditreform Boniversum customers use the score values as an aid to taking their own lending decisions.
Right to object:
The data stored by Creditreform Boniversum GmbH are processed on the compelling legitimate grounds of the creditor and credit protection, which routinely override your interests, rights and freedoms or serve to establish, exercise or defend legal claims. You may object to the processing of your data only if there are grounds, which arise from your particular situation; these grounds must be proved. If such particular grounds demonstrably exist, the data will no longer be processed. If you object to the processing of your data for advertising and marketing purposes, the data will no longer be processed.
The controller within the meaning of Article 4 (7) GDPR is Creditreform Boniversum GmbH, Hellersbergstr. 11, 41460 Neuss. Your contact in our firm is the Consumer Service, Tel.: 02131 36845560, Fax: 02131 36845570, e-mail: selbstauskunft@boniversum.de.
The data protection officer responsible can be contacted at: Creditreform Boniversum GmbH, Data Protection Officer, Hellersbergstr. 11, 41460 Neuss,
e-mail: datenschutz@boniversum.de.
Data transmission to SCHUFA Holding AG
Robert Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG / Kunzmann Fulda GmbH & Co. KG transmits personal data collected as part of a contractual relationship about the application, implementation and termination of this business relationship as well as data about non-contractual behavior or fraudulent behavior to SCHUFA Holding AG, Kormoranweg 5 , 65201 Wiesbaden. The legal basis for these transfers is Article 6 paragraph 1 letter b and Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Transfers based on Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f GDPR may only be made to the extent that this is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the contractual partner* or third parties and does not outweigh the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject that require the protection of personal data. The data exchange with SCHUFA also serves to fulfill legal obligations to carry out creditworthiness checks on customers (Sections 505a and 506 of the Civil Code).
SCHUFA processes the data received and also uses it for the purpose of profiling (scoring) to provide its contractual partners in the European Economic Area and Switzerland and, if applicable, other third countries (if there is an adequacy decision for these by the European Commission) with information, among other things, to assess the to give creditworthiness to natural persons. Further information on SCHUFA's activities can be found in the SCHUFA information sheet in accordance with Art. 14 GDPR or can be viewed online at www.schufa.de/datenschutz.
Order and shipping processing in our online shop
As part of the contract processing in our online shop, we pass on the email address you used to order to our shipping service provider to ensure safe delivery and tracking of the shipment. For freight shipments, the telephone number is also transmitted in order to coordinate a delivery date with you.
Services / repair and servicing
The showroom collects and processes the relevant personal data for the performance and invoicing of services. We also record in-house the services performed on grounds of evidence. In addition, personal data may be transferred to other companies, which are involved in the repair work (e.g. paint shops). If applicable, personal data, such as your name, are transferred to these companies, if this necessary to perform the contract.
If you use services (e.g. repair services, maintenance work), the operating data stored in the vehicle can - if necessary - be read out together with the vehicle identification number and processed to provide the contractually agreed service. The same applies to warranty cases and quality assurance measures. The operating data documents the technical conditions of the vehicle or individual components, helps with fault diagnosis, compliance with warranty obligations and quality improvement. This data, in particular information about component stress, technical events, incorrect operation and other errors, may be transmitted to the manufacturer together with the vehicle identification number. In addition, the manufacturer is subject to product liability. The manufacturer also uses operating data from vehicles for this purpose, for example for recall campaigns. This data can also be used to check customer claims for warranties and guarantees. This affects the manufacturers Mercedes-Benz Group AG / Daimler Truck AG and Volkswagen AG
In addition, where there are issues concerning specific repairs to the vehicle, which could infer a reference to a particular individual, operating data may be transferred to the manufacturer (technical hotline, vehicle diagnostics/remote diagnostics).
Fault memories in the vehicle can be reset during repairs and servicing or at your request.
Cost estimates / cost absorption by the manufacturer
If we prepare cost estimates for you, we collect the personal data necessary for this purpose (type of damage and/or vehicle involved and where applicable, insurance data and your contact data). If you require the costs to be covered by an insurance policy, we transfer these data so that the insurance company can verify whether they are prepared to absorb the costs. In the case of guarantee, warranty or goodwill requests the necessary personal data are transferred to the manufacturer to verify whether reimbursement is due.
III. Data processing for marketing purposes
My Kunzmann / online account
Via our online appointment system you can book online and keep track of your current and past appointments. For this purpose we need from you your user and vehicle data. We store and process these data in our portal, where we apply appropriately high security standards, if you agree with the data protection statement.
By agreeing to the data protection statement you are giving your consent to the transfer to soft-nrg Development GmbH, the service provider for the online appointment system, of the address and vehicle data stored on you. soft-nrg Development GmbH, Munich, will use the data exclusively to process the appointments. The data are linked up with other car showrooms, which use the soft-nrg Development GmbH portal only if you have given your consent for this to the other car showroom.
Commercial use of personal data
Regardless of any consent you may have given to processing your personal data for advertising purposes, we and appropriately commissioned service providers (e.g. letter shops) process your name and address for further customer loyalty and customer reactivation measures. This includes sending further information about interesting products and services by post. In this way, we want to make customers and interested parties aware of other interesting offers and achieve long-term customer loyalty. In addition, the car dealership processes the data generated as part of the business relationship for analysis for marketing purposes (advertising scoring/profiling and service optimization), because we only want to introduce you to the products/services that we assume will be of interest to you as part of the most effective customer loyalty possible bump. This also includes data that you provided to us about your product interests during the consultation.
The data will not be transmitted to third parties for advertising purposes unless you have given your consent. Telephone number and email address will be used for advertising purposes - including conducting satisfaction surveys - with separate consent. There is the following exception: If the car dealership receives your email address in connection with the sale of services/products, we use the email address to advertise our own, similar products. You can object to the use of your e-mail address for advertising purposes at any time, which will be pointed out to you when data is collected and in every advertising approach. In the commercial sector, the car dealership uses the telephone number for advertising purposes, provided that the requirements for presumed consent are met, for example within the framework of an existing business relationship.
Name and address as well as corresponding personal data from the purchase of a vehicle or spare parts or the use of services will no longer be used for advertising purposes unless you have used Autohaus Kunzmann services for a period of 4 years, a vehicle/ Bought spare parts or ordered a vehicle.
Use of cookies
Cookies are small information units, which are needed by the browser to identify you as a user when you visit the online shop or website online and to allow you to purchase and surf without problems. This is how, for example the "shopping cart" function and its "bookmark function" are operated. Cookies are stored by your browser on the hard disk only during the session, need only minimal storage space and do not damage your computer. Cookies contain small units of personal information. Most of the cookies we use are erased once more from your hard disk at the end of the browser session; these are known as session cookies. Other cookies remain on your browser and allow us to recognise your browser the next time you visit our website (known as permanent cookies).
Most browsers accept cookies as a standard feature. You can allow or prevent temporary and stored cookies independently of each other by adjusting the settings of your browser software. If you deactivate cookies, you may not be able to access certain features of our website and some websites may not be correctly displayed. Of course, you can view our online offer even without activating cookies, even if the extent of your access may be restricted. To deactivate cookies, please consult the instructions for your browser software.
Unless we have your express consent, we do not link the data stored by the cookies used by our online shop with your personal data (see above). If you wish to use our shopping cart, you must allow temporary cookies.
If you want to adjust your cookies, you can do this via the item "change cookies" in the footer.
e-mail newsletter subscription
We will send you an email newsletter after your prior express consent. We have commissioned a service provider to send the email newsletter. This company creates anonymous statistics for us about access to a newsletter. This gives the car dealership an overview of the extent to which the newsletter was actually opened and how many subscribers viewed a product. You can object to personal tracking at any time via a link in the email.
To subscribe to a newsletter from us, you need to provide an email address. If necessary, we collect additional data, for example to provide our newsletter with a personal address.
Registration on our website:
Our newsletter is only sent after going through the so-called double opt-in process. If interested users decide to subscribe to our newsletter, they will receive a confirmation e-mail, which serves to prevent the fraudulent entry of incorrect e-mail addresses and to exclude that a simple, possibly accidental click will trigger the sending of the newsletter. The subscription to our newsletter can be ended at any time. An unsubscribe link is included at the end of each newsletter.
We are also obliged to provide evidence that our subscribers actually wanted to receive the newsletter. For this purpose, we save the time of registration and deregistration.
Online shop:
After receiving your objection, we will no longer use, process and transmit the data concerned for purposes other than processing your order, and we will stop sending you advertising material.
You may have expressly given your consent in the course of the ordering process in our online shop or with this declaration of consent under data protection law. We would like to point out that you can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future.
Digital Data Solutions B.V. (CookieFirst)
This is a consent management service.
Processing company
Digital Data Solutions B.V. (CookieFirst)
Plantage Middenlaan 42a
1018DH, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Data Purposes
- Compliance with legal obligations
- Storage of Consent
Technologies Used
- Local storage
- Cookies
Data Attributes
- Consent "Yes" or "No"
- Log file data (IP (anonymised))
Data Collected
This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
- Device information
- Browser Information
- Anonymised IP Address
- Opt-in and opt-out data
- Date and time of visit
Legal Basis
In the following the legal basis for the processing of personal data required by Art. 6 I 1 GDPR is listed.
- Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. c GDPR
Location of Processing
European Union (Consent database is located in Belgium)
Retention Period
The Consent data (given consent and the consent revocation) will be kept for a period of three years. A data export takes place after termination of the contract.
Data Recipients
- Digital Data Solutions B.V. (CookieFirst)
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company
Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Further Information and Opt-Out
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor https://cookiefirst.com/legal/privacy-policy/
Google Analytics
Website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google LLC. (Google). Google Analytics uses text files, known as cookies, which are stored on your computer and allow the use of the website to be analysed. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is normally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Because we operate IP anonymisation on this website, your IP address is, however, abbreviated by Google within the Member States of the European Union or in other States which are contractual parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transmitted to a server in the USA and abbreviated there. Google uses this information on behalf of the operator of this website, in order to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to perform other services connected to use of the website and of the Internet for the website operator. The IP address transmitted by Google Analytics from your browser shall not be merged with other Google data. You can prevent your computer storing cookies by adjusting the settings of your browser software; however, we should like to make you aware that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of this website to their full extent. Moreover, you can prevent the collection of the data generated by the cookie and by your use of the website (including your IP address) by Google and the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available from the following link https://www.google.com/settings/ads/plugin?hl=de). We also use Google Analytics to analyse data for statistical purposes from AdWords and the DoubleClick cookie. Should you not want this, you can deactivate this via the Ads Preferences Manager (https://www.google.com/settings/u/0/ads/authenticated?hl=de). You can find more detailed information on conditions of use and data protection on www.google.com/analytics/terms/de.html or on www.google.de/intl/de/policies/. We draw your attention to the fact that our website uses Google Analytics with the extension, gat._anonymizeIp() to guarantee the anonymised collection of IP addresses (known as IP masking).
To de-activate this please use the opt-out link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
Google Adwords Re-targeting
Our website uses re-targeting technologies from Google Adwords. We use these technologies to make our offer to you more attractive. Re-targeting makes it possible for our partners to advertise to Internet users, who have already expressed interest in our products. We believe that the showing of personalised advertising related to your interests, is usually of more interest to you than advertising without any personal reference. This advertising material is shown on our partner sites on the basis of cookie technology and analysis of previous usage behaviour. This form of advertising remains pseudonymous. No personal data are stored, nor are any usage profiles merged with your personal data.
To de-activate this please use the opt-out link: https://www.google.com/settings/ads/plugin
Our website also uses the following web analysis service in many of our web pages:
hotjar from Hotjar Ltd, Level 2
St Julians Business Centre,
3, Elia Zammit Street
St Julians STJ 1000, Malta, Europe
+1 (855) 464-6788
This tool collects your movements on websites, which you have visited, in what are known as heat maps. In this anonymised way we can identify which buttons are clicked by users and how far the users scroll. This provides us with information to allow us to make our website faster and more customer-friendly.
In using this tool we are very aware of the great importance of protecting your personal data. None of the data collected can be attributed to specific users. We can only see how the mouse has been moved, where a user has clicked and how far he has scrolled. In addition, the size of the computer screen, type of device, information on the browser, the country, from which the site is accessed, and the preferred language is captured. If personal data are displayed on a website, these are automatically masked by Hotjar and thus are never comprehensible.
By selecting a "Do not track header" it is possible to prevent the hotjar tool being used. In that case no data concerning the visit to our website is collected. For this purpose you must adjust your browser settings.
You can also de-activate the hotjar tool itself by means of the opt-out button:
Further information on hotjar Ltd and on the hotjar tool is available on:
The privacy policy from hotjar Ltd. is available on:
Social plug-ins
Use of Facebook plug-ins
Our website uses what are known as social plug-ins (plug-ins) from the Facebook social network, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (Facebook). The plug-ins are identified by a Facebook logo or the endorsement, "social plug-in from Facebook" or "Facebook social plug-in". This site offers an overview of the appearance of Facebook plug-ins: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/
If you access one of the pages on our website, which contains such a plug-in, your browser makes a direct connection to the Facebook servers. The content of the social plug-in is transmitted direct to your browser by Facebook and linked by it into the website. From this link Facebook receives the information that your browser has accessed the relevant page of our website, even if you do not have a Facebook profile or are not currently logged in to Facebook. This information (including your IP address) is transferred directly from your browser to a Facebook server in the USA and stored there.
If you are logged onto Facebook, Facebook is able to assign the visit to your Facebook Account. If you interact with the plug-ins, for example you activate the "Like" button or make a comment, this information is similarly transferred directly to a Facebook server and stored there. The information is published on Facebook and displayed to your Facebook friends.
The purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Facebook as well as your rights in this regard and possible browser settings to protect your personal privacy can be found in the Facebook data protection instructions on //www.facebook.com/policy.php. If you do not want the data assembled on you via our website to be assigned to your Facebook profile, you must log out of Facebook before you visit our website. You can also prevent Facebook plug-ins uploading any data by using add-ons on your computer, e.g. by using Facebook Blocker (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, iPad und iPhone).
Use of Facebook Customer Audience
Our website also uses third-party supplier cookies, web beacons and similar technologies from Facebook (Website Customer Audience) to collect or obtain information to provide measurements and to be able to show advertisements targeted at particular groups. Facebook Custom Audience generates a check sum from your usage data, which is transferred to Facebook. These data, which are not personal data, are used for targeted marketing purposes. Further information on the scope of collection and the further processing and use of the data by Facebook Custom Audience is available from the Facebook data protection guidelines: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation. You can use the following link to withdraw from the collection and use of online advertising directed at target groups: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/610516375684216?id=2469097953376494.
Consultancy by chat with Userlike software
This website uses Userlike, a live chat software from the Userlike UG Company (limited company). Userlike uses cookies, text files, which are stored on your computer and allow a conversation in the form of a real-time chat on the website. The data collected in this way are not used to identify visitors to this website personally and are not merged with personal data of the bearer of a user name.
Use of Weglot
Functions of the Weglot translation service are integrated into this website. The provider is Weglot SAS, 7 Cité Paradis in 75010 France. Weglot is loaded when you access the website, so you can change the language to something other than German using the language icon in the website header. This allows a direct connection to be established between your browser and the Weglot server when you visit this website. Weglot thereby receives the information that you have visited this website with your IP address. The storage and analysis of the data is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Appropriate consent will be requested via the website's cookie and data protection settings. Processing is then carried out exclusively on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter a GDPR; Consent can be revoked at any time via the data protection settings at the bottom of each subpage. Further information can be found in Weglot's privacy policy: https://weglot.com/privacy/.
Use of recommendation software "Recombee"
Your shopping history is used for personal product recommendations. This includes in particular items and product categories that you have already viewed, searched for or bought. This data is processed by us and anonymously by third parties. We use this data to send you personal product recommendations and thus make it easier to find relevant products. More information can be found here https://www.recombee.com/gdpr.html
Use of PostHog
We use PostHog to collect and evaluate anonymous usage data on our website without collecting personal information or using cookies. These functions are offered by PostHog Inc, 2261 Market Street #4008, San Francisco, CA 94114 USA. PostHog is a powerful open source analytics tool that helps us optimize the user experience on our website, better understand traffic and analyze the performance of our content without compromising the privacy of our visitors. PostHog does not collect personal information such as names, email addresses or phone numbers and does not use cookies or other tracking technologies stored on your device. Instead, PostHog only collects aggregated and anonymized data, such as technical information about your device (e.g. operating system, browser, screen resolution), visitor information (e.g. pages visited, length of stay, page of origin) and usage patterns (e.g. click paths, scrolling behavior). For more information about PostHog and their privacy policy, please visit their website at: https://posthog.com/privacy.
IV. Your rights as a data subject
Every data subject has the following rights:
- a right to disclosure (Article 15 GDPR)
- a right to rectification of incorrect data (Article 16 GDPR)
- a right to erasure and a right 'to be forgotten' (Article 17 GDPR)
- a right to restriction of processing of personal data (Article 18 GDPR)
- a right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR)
You have the right at any time to object to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of advertising, including any profiling related to direct advertising, without the need to give reasons.
In addition, you have a general right to object (cf. Article 21 (1) GDPR. In this case the objection to data processing must be supported by reasons.
If the data are processed on the basis of consent, this consent may be withdrawn at any time with effect for the future.
To exercise your rights as a data subject contact us at [Datenschutz@Kunzmann.de] or write to us at the following address:
Robert Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG / Kunzmann Fulda GmbH & Co KG
Data Protection
Auhofstraße 29
63741 Aschaffenburg
You also have a right to lodge an objection with the supervisory authority competent for us:
Data Protection Authority of Bavaria for the Private Sector (BayLDA)
Promenade 27
91522 Ansbach
Telephone: +49 (0) 981 53 1300
e-mail: poststelle@lda.bayern.de
V. General Information
The controller within the meaning of the GDPR is:
Robert Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG / Kunzmann Fulda GmbH & Co. KG
Auhofstraße 29
63741 Aschaffenburg
Telephone: +49 6021/361-0
e-mail: info@kunzmann.de
Web: www.kunzmann.de
Our data protection officer is happy to respond to any questions on data protection; please contact him on Datenschutz@kunzmann.de.
We process data on the following legal bases:
- for the purposes of implementing a contract including processing complaints and warranties: Article 6 (1) point (b) GDPR
- for the purpose of transferring data to other service providers as part of our repair services: Article 6 (1) point (b) GDPR
- for the purpose of transferring data to the manufacturers for the purposes of product monitoring/product surveillance and for possible product recalls: Article 6 (1) point (b) GDPR
- for the purpose of transferring data to the manufacturers for product and quality improvement and product development purposes: Article 6 (1) point (f) GDPR
- for the purpose of transferring data to the manufacturers in the case of enquiries concerning cost absorption in issues arising during the implementation of repairs: Article 6 (1) point (b) GDPR
- for the purpose of transferring data to an insurance company in the event of a cost estimate: Article 6 (1) point (b) GDPR
- for the purpose of retaining data in accordance with the German Tax Code and/or the German Commercial Code: Article 6 (1) point (c) GDPR
- for the purpose of processing data at the Kunzmann car showroom for advertising purposes including for profiling related to advertising: Article 6 (1) point (f) GDPR
- data transfer for other advertising purposes: Article 6 (1) point (a) GDPR
- e-mail advertising: Article 6 (1) point (a) GDPR and § 7 (3) Unfair Competition Act
- telephone advertising: Article 6 (1) point (a) GDPR and § 7 (2) point (2) version 2 Unfair Competition Act
This privacy policy may be updated from time to time.
Aschaffenburg, September 26, 2024